About AAI
AAI provides professional mentoring, consulting services, leadership coaching, and training-related support services.
Tradecraft Mentoring
AAI provides analytic tradecraft mentoring and facilitation of structured analytic techniques for U.S. intelligence organizations, and also provides review of analytic products from content, methodology, and writing perspectives.
Organizational Development
If your organization is undergoing change, we can help you lead that change to more quickly benefit from new organizational structures, methods, and procedures.
Leadership Coaching
Our ICF-certified leadership coaches are ready to assist you and your leadership team identify crucial values and set meaningful goals, and remove obstacles to achieving those goals.
Instructional Design
AAI employs strong instructional design models. By engaging in a thorough needs assessment, followed by in-depth interaction with subject matter experts from your organization, we can develop a plan for identifying goals, objectives, content, instructional strategies and materials, and evaluation and assessment tools that result in a successful course or curriculum architecture.
Our design team can develop courses that range from an individual course to a cluster of courses that provide on-going training for participants. Online segments can also be integrated by our designers. Our staff includes experts from the fields of education and training, as well as subject matter experts with experience in the intelligence, law enforcement, and military communities.
Instructional Coordination
The instructional staff is available to coordinate courses as well as instruct. Courses with multiple instructors and guest speakers often require extensive coordination. Our experienced staff is prepared to support the efforts of your organization and to create a smoothly operating training experience for instructors and participants.
We also have experience helping organizations review courses and programs. Services include observations, feedback, and advice. We are also prepared to support the revision process.